Admission Criteria:
- 18 years of age or older with any life limiting illness who has elected a residential hospice as their desired care setting
- In the final stages of a life threatening, progressive or terminal illness, with a prognosis of approximately 3 months or less
- In a state of progressive functional decline
- Unable to manage and remain at home (either lives alone without informal support or individual has informal support but care needs exceed the ability of the support team)
- Valid Ontario Health Card or coverage under the Interim Federal Health Plan or Treaty status (First Nations people)
- Resident of York Region and/or family member is a resident of York Region
Receiving services from CCAC - Has a Power of Attorney for Personal Care or designated Substitute Decision Maker
- Referral from a health care professional
- Exceptions to these criteria will be assessed on a case by case basis and in collaboration with other services according to need and bed availability.
Further, the Applicant or Substitute Decision Maker must agree to the admission criteria of:
- Having a physician who will provide continuing care and is available at all times during the Resident’s stay
- Focus of care will be on comfort measures and palliation only
- No resuscitation or other life sustaining interventions will be offered
no extensive diagnostics or treatments other than those required for pain and symptom management and comfort care will be offered